首頁 / 退貨及退款政策
Return Policy All products purchased at our online shop cannot be returned, refunded or exchanged. If the product shipped is defective, missing or incorrect (except any damage or loss is caused by other party) can be applied for exchange by email (rgtreasurehunt@gmail.com) or WhatsApp (852-90147569). Please contact us within 3 days after receiving the good and provide with the order number, product name, photo and quantities. In case of any dispute, RG Treasure Hunt reserves the final decision. 退貨條款 除貨品售罊或出現品質問題外,一律不接受退款及退換貨。 如有問題,請於收貨後三天內,以電郵(rgtreasurehunt@gmail.com) 或WhataApp (852-90147569)聯絡我們,並提供貨單編號、名稱、相片、數量等,讓我們儘速跟進相關問題。 RG Treasure Hunt 保留最終決定權。